

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Antique Market with Sis and Her Birthday ^__^

Hello everyone!
how are you guys? good i hope
been busy after new year? ^__^
the other day i went to Antique market with my sister
we was really enjoy with all the stuff and food there
felt like we turn back the time to another century
we took some pictures with thai snack shop
before the sell stuff by riding bicycle...just like post man ^__^

and today January 8th, it's my sister birthday
we had a very little party
yummy cake and my parent gave a a bless to wish her happy and good luck in every single thing that she will do.
i also wish that she will be happy, healthy and wealthy 
Love you Sis
From Me Ur sis ^__^


  1. Felly, So good to see this blog. Been to long since I heard from you. Tell your sister Happy Birthday. This is also my Grandmother's Birthday and Elvis. Jan. 8th. Although this might not have been your sister Birthday just the day you posted this blog. We have some bad news. Allie is not doing well. We have had her at the Vet's a lot. We might have to put her down in near future. Will keep you posted about her. We still miss you. Love, Judy

  2. i will tell my sister you say Happy birthday ^__^ she will be very glad about have the same birthday as your grandmother and Elvis.

    i really sorry about Allie...i was thought about her the other day...i wish she get a little better and everything go well.


  3. Loved the pictures, Felly. Love seeing you and your sister together, look much alike.
    We had a good sprinkling of snow here today, however not enough for Louis to take the girls down the hill on sled.
    Missing you much, Love you,

  4. Thank you Nana ^__^ my face have a big smile every time i hear the word SNOW...and i remembered about the clip that Judy, Louis and Abby went to sled down the hill last year ^__^ it's just look so much fun...shame, i never try that :(

    i missing you and Love you too Nana,
