

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The most Popular Video in Asia right now!!


Yeah!! after you watch this video you might wondering what the.....is this? hahaha
i know i know he kinda weird but the dance is fun though
and look how amazing this video got many views!!!!
i kinda think it's weird at the first time but after give it a second chance i think 
hmmm! this is quite fun to dance along...so everybody!!  Aaeeeee!!!! sexy lady!!! 
Think positive and open to learn new culture ^___^

After a long day ^__^

After a long day...this Video totally make me smile
i don't know how i found this Vedio but i love this girl and i like the way she said
"i'm gonna kick his ASK!!"

Mom : you should say "kick his butt"
The girl : OoooooOOoh!